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The most addictive Salad Dressing you will want to use on everything

The most addictive Salad Dressing you will want to use on everything. Started off by making a dressing for a romain lettuce salad, but ended up using it in sandwiches, burgers, even  as a spread on plain rusks. Very similar to the ceasar dressing, but with a few more extras. It’s really important to have very very fresh eggs as you’re using a raw yolk so you wouldn’t want to risk it.

The anchovies mix well with the rest of the ingredients and you don’t end up with a fishy taste, it’s actually a surprizingly amazing combination. Watch your salt, season and taste, personally I didn’t add any salt as the cheese and anchovies are already salty enough for me. If you don’t have or don’t want to experiment with different kinds of oils, you can always use just olive oil, I love the lightness and flavour of sesame oil, I use it on several dressings combined with olive oil!

Store in the fridge for 4 days, this recipe makes enough for 3-4 salads….or just one, it’s up to you!

Check out our salad suggestion for this dressing here.

The most addictive Salad Dressing you will want to use on everything


  • 100ml olive oil
  • 20ml sesame oil
  • 20ml avocado oil
  • 3 anchovy fillets
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1tbsp mustard
  • 1tsp garlic powder
  • salt, fresh ground pepper and cayenne pepper to taste
  • a few drops hot sauce


  1. Add all the ingredients in a food processor and pulp till combined. Check the seasoning and adjust to taste.
  2. Refrigerate for up to 4 days.

The most addictive Salad Dressing you will want to use on everything

The most addictive Salad Dressing you will want to use on everything

The most addictive Salad Dressing you will want to use on everything




Published in Kitchen Hacks Recipes Salads