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Tag: tomato

Quinoa boat

Ingredients 150gr. red quinoa 1 cucumber 1 tomato 1 horn pepper 100gr. ricotta cheese (or anthotyro cheese) 2 shallots  1 pomegranate, seeded a handful of…

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Tomato sauce

Ingredients 3kg. tomatoes 120gr. olive oil (approx.) 1tsp salt Directions Wash the tomatoes, cut them into big chunks and remove top and bottom. Put them…

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Caprese tower

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”] 125gr. mozzarella (or 4 slices) 1 medium tomato 4 tsp pesto (see here) Balsamic cream [/ingredients] [directions title=”Directions”] Cut the tomato and the…

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Ingredients 2 large ripe avocados 1 tomato 1 onion Juice of 1 lime and 1/2 lemon combined Salt and pepper (you will need quite a…

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