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Tomato sauce

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  • 3kg. tomatoes
  • 120gr. olive oil (approx.)
  • 1tsp salt


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into big chunks and remove top and bottom. Put them in a big pot.
  2. Puree them with the mixer. Add the salt.
  3. Bring the sauce to boil over high heat. Lower to medium.
  4. Cook for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  5. Fill up glass bottles straight away.
  6. Heat up the olive oil and add it on top of the sauce. You need 1cm. of olive oil on top of each one.
  7. Close the lids as tight as you can.

Note: If you want to extract the skin just fill up a pot with water and when it’s steaming hot add the tomatoes for 3-4 minutes. Let them cool down for a few minutes and start pealing the skin. If you want to extract the seeds, do it right after step 2. I don’t extract neither the skin nor the seeds.

Tomato sauce

The label is made by Thomas Jordansson. See his amazing artwork: and 

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tomato label thomas

Tomato sauce

Published in Kitchen Hacks Recipes