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Tag: pesto

Pasta caprese

Ingredients 200gr. farfalle 25gr. mozzarella 10 (aprox.) cherry tomatoes pesto to taste grated parmesan cheese basil leaves to garnish Directions Cook the pasta al dente.…

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Caprese tower

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”] 125gr. mozzarella (or 4 slices) 1 medium tomato 4 tsp pesto (see here) Balsamic cream [/ingredients] [directions title=”Directions”] Cut the tomato and the…

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Basil pesto

  Ingredients a handful basil leaves 2 tbsp pecorino cheese 2-3 tbsp of olive oil 2 tbsp of pine nuts 1 garlic clove pepper Directions Rinse the basil leaves,…

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Pesto bites

“Ingredients Cherry / small plum tomatoes Pesto sause Pine nuts Balsamic cream Directions Cut off the bottom end so that the tomatoes can stand upright.…

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