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Pie dough, the healthy way

This is a classic, the easiest pie dough you’ve ever tried. Plus, it’s healthy, just flour, water, olive oil and a splash of vinegar. Don’t leave out the vinegar if you want your pie to be crispy perfect!

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  • 300gr. all purpose flour
  • 150gr. water
  • 3tbsp olive oil
  • 1tbsp white vinegar


  1. Add all the ingredients in the food processor and mix with the hook.
  2. Add more flour if too sticky, or water if the dough is hard.
  3. Let it rest for 10 minutes and it’s ready to use!

Pie dough, the healthy way

Pie dough, the healthy way

Pie dough, the healthy way

Pie dough, the healthy way

Pie dough, the healthy way

Published in Breakfast / Brunch Meatless Mondays Recipes