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Hummus Spread Two Ways: Classic and Avocado

Hummus is a favourite dip with Middle Eastern origins but also today, with fans all over the world. You will find many variation of the hummus recipe, with more tahini or less, with a few garlic cloves or just one, with a creamy oily texture or drier consistency, you just need to experiment and decide which one’s your go to recipe. Here, we have a creamy, smooth hummus recipe with a discrete garlic flavour -safe for work and socialising- and an avocado one. Both taste great and if you’re a fan of the latest avo-on-everything frenzy you will definitely  love the avocado version. Try these dips on freshly baked pita wraps, with soft boiled eggs and roasted vegetables, or just dip some bread – pitas – rusks – you name it – straight into the bowl.

The main ingredients in hummus are: chick peas of course, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic. After you mash the chick peas in a food processor, add the rest of the ingredients gradually and check the flavour and consistency. 

The key secret to making the perfect hummus is the freshness of the chick peas Рthe fresher they are Рthe easier it is to soften and mash into a creamy pur̩e, so if your local grocery store sells fresh chick peas, go for these instead of the super market pre-packaged ones.

You may find cooking the chick peas quite challenging but don’t let this intimidate you, if you’re organised and good at preplanning – you got this! Soak in water overnight and cook until they are soft and easily mashed- very similar with the fava beans’ cooking method.

Follow the links below for step – by – step instructions and enjoy!

Hummus Spread Two Ways: Classic and Avocado


  • 250gr. – 1+1/2 cups Chick peas, cooked
  • 2-3 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1,5 Tbsp tahini
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1-2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper
  • a handful coriander – optional

For the avocado version: 1,5 medium sized avocados

The directions are exactly the same, you just add some avocado and lime.

Check out the classic hummus recipe here

Classic Hummus Recipe







And find the avocado hummus recipe here

Creamy Avocado Hummus Recipe







Creamy Avocado Hummus Recipe


Classic Hummus Recipe


Hummus Spread Two Ways: Classic and Avocado




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