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Fresh Pasta from Scratch

Never use store-bought pasta again with this very easy and healthy recipe that comes together in 30 minutes. Three ingredients is all you need and it’s all in your pantry. It is indeed very easy to make your own pasta, as long as you have a stand mixer and a pasta maker. I decided to skip all the hand kneading and rely on my stand mixer to do the job for me and it worked just fine. Call me lazy but when you do have the right equipment, why doing it the hard way? Of course, you can always roll out the dough with a rolling pin and shape your pasta with a knife, but if you want to go pro, this is the way to do it. Seal your pasta in a bag and store in the fridge if you’re not planning to use it straight away. If you leave the pasta on the counter for too long, it will dry out and break into pieces and we wouldn’t want that to happen to our fresh pasta, right? Don’t forget to have some -as in, A LOT- extra flour for dusting as you will need to sprinkle some on the dough along the process and also, sprinkle some more on the shaped pasta so that they don’t stick together. It’s also important to use both 00 flour and semolina, as semolina gives dense and texture to your pasta.

Once your dough is ready for use, roll it out with a rolling pin and divide it into 4 pieces. Set your pasta machine on a thick setting, 1 or 2 and flatten the dough. Fold the dough like a letter and repeat once or twice. Then, set your pasta machine to the desired thickness, on this recipe I set it on 5. Once your noodles are ready, cut them to the length that works for your recipe and guess what? You’re ready to cook the most delish pasta dish you’ve ever had!

Now, to dry your pasta or not? Well, it’s totally up to you. You can either store your pasta in the fridge straight away, or hang it on the back of a chair (hack!) for a while and let it dry before storing it. So, follow the below steps and enjoy!

Fresh Pasta from Scratch

Ingredients – makes for 2

  • 150gr. flour 00 type, plus extra for dusting
  • 50gr. semolina
  • 2 eggs
  • salt

Fresh Pasta from Scratch


  1. Mix the flour and eggs in the stand mixer for about 10 minutes, season with a pinch of salt.
  2. Add more flour if the dough is sticky.
  3. Wrap the dough with cling film and let it rest on the counter for 30 minutes.
  4. Roll out the dough and cut in half.
  5. Work the dough on the pasta maker, start from the widest setting -1- and gradually set it to the desired thickness.
  6. Dust the pasta with flour and work on the remaining dough.
  7. Seal the pasta in a plastic bag and store for up to 5 days in the fridge.
  8. Cook your pasta for about 4 minutes, check regularly.

Fresh Pasta from Scratch

Fresh Pasta from Scratch

Fresh Pasta from Scratch
Fresh Pasta from ScratchFresh Pasta from ScratchFresh Pasta from Scratch





Published in Meatless Mondays Pasta / Rice / Quinoa Recipes